Which Mailer Bag for Fragile Items?
Do you want to send fragile items to your customers? But confused whether to choose the mailer boxes or ordinary mailer bags. Ditch these small worries. And take one step ahead, thinking about the safe delivery of your products, your brand image, and the environment. At Supr Pack, we have the packaging solutions to fulfill all your wishes at once. No matter what type of product you want to send. We have sustainable packaging solutions to cater to every business needs. However, whether you should choose Custom Mailer Envelope or custom mailer box totally depends on the type of business.
With Supr Pack, you get a wide range of personalized poly mailers available along with boxes for small businesses. So, let’s discuss them in detail to give you a clear picture.
- Mailer Boxes - Custom Poly Mailers are the most common packaging solutions known to businesses like you for a very long time. But, at Supr Pack, we have made sure to make them a superstar packaging product. With us, you get 13 exotic colors and 14 different sizes. Moreover, you get an option to get it printed either on a single side or a double side. Moreover, to take care of Mother Earth, we have manufactured them with Naturally Compostable Paper that is FSC-certified and Acid-Free. It is made with 3D cutting for accurate positioning of the product inside the mailer box.

3. Kraft Paper Mailers—The custom mailer envelopes are available in kraft paper to give your packaging a rustic look. Kraft paper gives a safer environment vibe. Plus, we have crafted them from acid-free and FSC-certified paper. Overall, they are customized using soy-based ink. All of the above are Internationally Certified, Durable, Weatherproof, and Eco-Friendly.

The Last Round!
Depending on the type of product you want to send, you can order the above mailer bag. If you are a small business owner, the Supr Pack is also available for your product packaging, as we offer small batch customization. As your sale grows, you can increase the order value, and we would love to be the Supr Pack for your products.